
When and where does the club meet?

For the 2022-2023 school year, the Main Division meets on Thursday during lunch @ E204, and the ACSL Division meets on Mondays during lunch @ E204. This information may be outdated, so please check in with an officer to confirm the days.

What sort of experience is needed?

Why should I sign up?

Signing up guarantees you an official member status. This status gives you access to member-specific information, like viewing upcoming meetings, being able to "check in" to meetings to show you were there and get points in the process, and enables you to apply for officer position.

What are points?

Points are a recent addition to the MVCS system, where we want to keep track of member participation in the club. They will be considered when evaluating officer applications at the end of the year, and for designating member privileges and roles within branches as well.

Points are (for now) gained through regular member attendance to meetings and by "checking in" when you're at the meeting. Another reason to sign up now!

How do I become an officer?

Officer applications will be sent out at the end of each school year. Factors considered when choosing officers are member attendance, participation in the meetings, and a holistic evaluation (by the entire officer team). Interviews for candidates will be conducted as well.

Any questions? Contact us here:


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